Piece Hall to launch sculpture season with free party

The Blanket in situ at the Piece Hall. 
Picture: Charlotte GrahamThe Blanket in situ at the Piece Hall. 
Picture: Charlotte Graham
The Blanket in situ at the Piece Hall. Picture: Charlotte Graham
The Piece Hall’s first visual art commission is the centrepiece to a 10-week long sculpture season that begins on Friday.

More than 1,000 local people are anticipated to take part in the events that will take place at the Grade I listed building until 7 April.

Sponsored by Grand Central, the programme includes educational activities and community projects for schools, adults and families.

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Artist David Murphy has created ‘The Blanket’, a large scale floor sculpture that sits in the heart of the courtyard.

The free launch party for the sculpture season, which includes an exhibition of work by Mr Murphy, runs from 5pm to 8pm tomorrow (Friday).

Helen Moore, heritage and learning manager for the Piece Hall Trust, said: “We commissioned David last summer and he came up with a fantastic proposal and it’s really fitting with the heritage of the Piece Hall.

“We’ve created a whole sculpture season around it, with a variety of events starting from Friday night.

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“Our launch party in the courtyard will have a fire garden, music, children’s activities and trails plus food and drink offers.

“The programme runs until April, with family workshops starting on Saturday featuring weaving with a local artist in a free workshop.

“We’ve got an artist doing a special casting workshop on March 23 for anyone who wants to create their own sculpture.

“We’ve also got a series of drop-in, community textile workshops throughout February and March.

“There’s loads of family activities in the February half-term holiday, the first weekend in March and the last weekend in March as well, all inspired by David and his sculpture.”