Bromley 5-0 FC Halifax Town: "It's time for me to shuffle the pack," says Wild after sobering defeat

Pete WildPete Wild
Pete Wild
FC Halifax Town boss Pete Wild says there will be changes after his side were thumped 5-0 at Bromley.

The Shaymen collapsed after a goalless first-half, and also had left-back Jerome Binnom-Williams sent-off for two yellow cards.

"First-half I thought we contained them well, and we went into the break exactly where we wanted to be," Wild said.

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"And then second-half, you work all week on their threat, which is set-pieces and second-phase set-pieces, and we don't deal with it, and you get what you deserve.

"They scored again quite quickly after (their first) which didn't help. And the red card didn't help.

"The second-half was clearly not good enough. We saw a display from lads who were second best, they looked like men against boys second-half, and they were by far the better side and deserved the three points."

When asked why Town lost so heavily, Wild said: "Because we don't defend set-pieces. If you concede four goals off four set-pieces, you've got a problem.

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"First-half I thought we did well but second-half it wasn't good enough.

"I've got a dispute with the referee over the first two goals. He's taken the corner short, and the ref's said 'no, you've got to take it again' when it should be a free-kick to us.

"And the second one's a foul on the goalkeeper.

"But I'm not getting into excuses, there's no excuses today. They were better."

Wild said he had now seen enough from his squad to make the judgement that changes need to be made.

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"We need to make changes," he said. "They've all had their chance now.

"When I came in I promised them they'd all have their chance.

"I inherited 85 per cent of the squad, they've all had their chance now, so it's time for me to shuffle the pack and make sure I bring in some men that can withstand days like today."

If Wild does bring players in, does that mean some players in his squad will move on?

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"Probably yeah," he said. "But I need to make the right decisions and not just jump because of what's happened today.

"But I will be making changes."

When asked how quickly he may be able to bring new players in, Wild said: "That's for me and the chairman to sort out. As quick as I can hopefully."

Wild added: "I wanted to be fair to everybody, give everybody a chance. I've done that, we're 18 games in.

"I know the strengths and weaknesses of every player in that dressing room.

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"And I'll now make changes to make sure we strengthen the dressing room.

"The fans have to be patient though, it won't happen overnight.

"I know where we're at, I know where I want to keep us, but I've got to make the right decisions."

When asked what had changed from the early weeks of the season when The Shaymen were performing so impressively, Wild said: "A lot of things have changed. There's expectations now where there probably weren't at the start of the season.

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"With expectations, everybody's become really negative and we're getting slagged off.

"People having a jibe at us doesn't help us, I'd rather they cheered us on.

"It's probably a reality check. We're nowhere near the finished article, and we now need to strengthen and improve as a group and as a club."

When asked if that negativity has had an affect on the players, Wild said: "100 per cent. People have got to realise that we were nailed-on bottom of the league three months ago, and until today we were top of the league, and we're still in the play-offs.

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"So everybody's got to have a reality check, me included, and make sure we remain up and around where we want to be."

On the continued absence of midfielder Cameron King, Wild said: "He's nowhere near fit. We'll be without him for a few weeks if I'm honest."

And on the possibility of bringing in a left-back on loan to cover for the suspended Jerome Binnom-Williams, Wild said: "It's too early to say what I'm going to do. I need to make sure I make the right decisions for the right places and the right people.

"It's important I get it right."