Waring Green Nursery set to close next term

Comic Relief at Waring Green Nursery in 2011Comic Relief at Waring Green Nursery in 2011
Comic Relief at Waring Green Nursery in 2011
A Brighouse nursery is to close after the summer leaving parents and guardians searching for pre-school places for their children.

Waring Green Nursery will not be opening for the new term and comes on the back of an inadequate Ofsted report.

In a letter to parents and carers, the nursery said: “We are sorry to inform you that the nursery will not be re-opening in September.

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“Dot (Asquith) recently retired and has taken a step back for the last year so is unable to be around to train another manager. But if anyone, or you know anyone that would like to take the nursery over please contact Dot and Bill on [email protected] or call 07598305594

“If you need any help finding alternative childcare arrangements please contact the Calderdale child care sufficiency team on 01422 392694 or email [email protected]

“The out of school club and holiday club will still be running as normal (it is not closing down) for children from reception school age upwards.

“We wish you all well and hope you find a happy place for your children where they will learn and progress and as happy as they were at Waring Green Nursery.”

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The nursery was set up in the community centre in 1991. It employs seven staff and has 38 children on its roll.

However, in the latest Ofsted inspection, inspector Angela Sugden said that although children’s learning and development needs were being met, safeguarding was an issue.

In her report is said: “Safeguarding requirements are not sufficiently implemented to ensure risks are identified and minimised to promote children’s safety, including risks associated with obstructed fire exits.

“A range of written risk assessments are in place. However, these are not robust enough to identify potential hazards and staff do not take swift action to make areas safe.

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“The provider does not ensure that parents are always informed about minor accidents that happen to their children while at nursery in a timely manner.

“The deployment of staff is weak and does not promote either the safety or the emotional well-being of young children, particularly at the start of the day and over the lunchtime period.”

The report did praise the transition of children starting school with teachers visiting the nursery.