Plans revealed for series of road improvements in Lee Mount, Ovenden and Illingworth

The A629 in North HalifaxThe A629 in North Halifax
The A629 in North Halifax
Proposals have been revealed for a series of planned improvements stretching from Halifax town centre to communities in the north of the town.

A public consultation has launched for people to have their say on the ‘A629 North’ project, which proposes changes along the route from Orange Street roundabout to Ogden in North Halifax, including Lee Mount, Ovenden and Illingworth.

The project, which is funded by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, aims to enable the road network in this area to operate more efficiently for all users by reducing congestion, improving journey times, providing infrastructure to improve safety and make it easier for road users in these areas to travel on foot or by bike and encourage the use of public transport.

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Initial proposals include changes to road junction layouts, the creation of new improvements to cycle routes, new pedestrian crossings, signal changes to give more priority to buses along the route and upgrades to paths, signage, CCTV and lighting around the Orange Street roundabout.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Cllr Jane Scullion, said: “Residents living in and around the north of Halifax town centre have told us that they’d like to see more facilities to enable safer walking and cycling journeys into the town centre.

“The A629 North project looks to make active travel and public transport options more appealing, with a number of proposed improvements to better connect communities in the north of Halifax to the town centre.

“The project looks to complement other planned improvement work in these areas to make it easier for people to choose travel options that are not only healthier but also support our work to tackle the climate emergency and reduce our carbon emissions.

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“We’d really like to hear people’s thoughts on the initial proposals to help shape the project and ensure that the improvement measures are introduced where they’re needed most.”

The ‘A629 North’ project is at an early stage and comments received as part of the consultation will be taken on board to help prepare more detailed plans.

The consultation closes on Sunday July 18 2021.

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