Tech review: Motorola up their game

Motorola haven't had major market share in the UK since the days of the original RAZR line-up, which was a global top seller mainly because it was ridiculously thin, stylish and had unrivalled call quality.

Since then the company has released an assortment of handsets feature rich with the Google Android platform only to be let down by their horrific MotoBlur interface.
The hardware never got much attention either despite the Milestone, Milestone 2 and DEXT featuring a QWERTY slider. It was all a little too late.
Then came the ATRIX 4G with its powerful processing and PC capabilities which should have been a real game changer but the pricing wasn’t very inviting and the software was typically riddled with bugs.
Fast forward to today and it seems that Moto may have learnt from their mistakes and the now Lenovo owned company has released the fourth generation of their true flagship, the Moto G.
It’s affordable but doesn’t look or feel cheap, it’s Android without the bloatware, and it’s a phone that has caught the attention of many first time buyers without seeming like an overly dumb device.
This time round the Moto G4 comes with an octocore processor which is a nice bump up from the previous quad core offering. There are two models available, the Moto G4 and the G4Plus. Both have a five inch HD display, and the internals are mostly the same. However there are some differences.
There is up to 4GB of RAM available on the Plus compared to 2GB on the standard and a 16 megapixel rear facing camera on the plus rather than 13 megapixel on the standard.
The enhancements on the Plus model make it a thousand times better than the standard model.
Sure, it’s an extra £60 – but they also throw in a finger print reader for unlocking and the improved camera makes it worth every penny.
It’s Lenovo’s first attempt of heading up the latest G and they’ve done a great job.
They’ve added customizable design options when purchasing though the website much like the Moto X.
Users can chose colour options on the front frame, the back casing, colour accents and also engraving for a personal touch.
The most promising aspect of the Moto G4 however is the pricing.
The functionality of the device matches that of a top tier handset that would usually cost at least £400 - £600 and usually over a two year contract which would work out about £25 a month just for the device plan alone. Moto has kept the price down to £169 to purchase outright. The Plus model is £229. The closest to match the G on such value is the One Plus 3 which costs £329.00 and offers a better choice in materials and overall specs but the pricing doesn’t quite excite in the same way Moto does, and for most users the G4 will perform perfectly for everyday tasks which makes the G4 the best value Android phone today.

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