Strike action to take place outside McDonald's in Halifax town centre

McDon 28 10 AB Police activity at McDonalds restaurant, Halifax town centre on Tuesday morning. -tmcdnab1-6-McDon 28 10 AB Police activity at McDonalds restaurant, Halifax town centre on Tuesday morning. -tmcdnab1-6-
McDon 28 10 AB Police activity at McDonalds restaurant, Halifax town centre on Tuesday morning. -tmcdnab1-6-
Calderdale Trades Council will be supporting BFAWU's #McStrike campaign this week by protesting outside the McDonald's in Halifax town centre.

Calderdale Trades Council Secretary Pete Keal said: “Last year, workers at McDonald’s took strike action for the first time ever in the UK. People working at McDonald’s endure low pay, zero-hours

contracts and problems with bullying and harassment by poorly trained and low-paid managers.

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“McDonald’s employs over 115,000 workers in around 12,000 restaurants, with a turnover of £17bn a year. Its chief executive picks up nearly £12m a year, while those on the shop floor earn just above the legal minimum. Workers often don’t even know how many hours they’ll be working from


“Calderdale Trades Council urges the public to support to the growing voice of McDonald’s workers as they stand up for fairness and dignity at work and demands that McDonald’s recognise the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union.”