Sprinkler systems put in place at Calderdale's high rise flats

Mixenden flatsMixenden flats
Mixenden flats
Sprinkler systems are now in place in blocks of high rise flats in Calderdale, councillors heard.

Calderdale Council remain committed to ongoing fire safety work on its own properties and helping partner organisations too, Cabinet members decided.

Councillors recorded the progress made to date, outlined in a detailed report, and affirmed the council’s commitment to deliver remaining actions which still needed to be completed.

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Presenting the report, Cabinet member for Planning, Housing and Environment, Coun Daniel Sutherland (Lab, Illingworth and Mixenden) said the events at Grenfell Tower in London last year saw the whole nation reflecting on fire safety.

Mixenden flatsMixenden flats
Mixenden flats

Calderdale decided to undertake a full fire safety review to fully understand the position for the authority and partners in the housing sector.

It had reacted quickly, with cladding similar to that at Grenfell on three blocks of flats at Mixenden in Halifax being removed.

Working with Together Housing, all 16 of their blocks and another privately-owned block at Mixenden all had high rise sprinkler systems fitted, he said.

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Coun Sutherland said these were the most effective safety measure and he believed no-one had died at an incident where these were fitted.

“I hope that brings some comfort to the people of Calderdale who live or may have family living in those flats,” he said.

The report was comprehensive, reviewing the situation at council assets and drawing in partners and private landlords to see how fire safety could be improved across the borough, said Coun Sutherland. Changes to policy were also being considered nationally.

Coun Bob Metcalfe (Lab, Town), who is Cabinet member for Adults, Health and Social Care, welcomed the report which covered an amazing range of items and actions.

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He was very pleased from an adults social care perspective that all areas affecting the safety of vulnerable people were covered and that a sprinkler system had been installed at Eddystone Court, Halifax.