Huge support to ban fires and barbecues on Calderdale's countryside

Calderdale Council is considering banning barbecues and fires in the countryside (SWNS)Calderdale Council is considering banning barbecues and fires in the countryside (SWNS)
Calderdale Council is considering banning barbecues and fires in the countryside (SWNS)
People in Calderdale have been quick to voice their support for the banning of fire and barbecues on the countryside in Calderdale.

The lighting of barbecues and fires in parts of the borough's countryside could be banned in a bid to help prevent moorland fires

Whilst Calderdale was unaffected by recent high-profile blazes at nearby Marsden Moor and Ilkley Moor, Calderdale Council is working proactively with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and West Yorkshire Police to prevent moorland fires.

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Ban on fires and barbecues in Calderdale's countryside plan in wake of devastat...

What you have said on the proposals

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Many of you have had your say on our Facebook page. Here are some of the views supporting the plan

Jason Bradley: "Good idea, nightmare to enforce."

Cee Jay Iredale: "Why would anyone with a conscience be against this? It’s clear the people of Calderdale can’t be trusted to not burn their own environment; this seems an attempt to rectify this sorry situation."

Kimberley Stock: "Yep ban them in all public spaces."

David Horsfield: "Just do it. There's nothing to say in favour of doing anything that can set fire to any bit of the environment."

Gill Ingham: "I'm all for the ban - but (a) it doesn't go far enough - smoking should be banned on moorland; and (b) more to the point, how is the ban going to be enforced?

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"Is there going to be a squad of moorland patrols or rangers on the lookout for rogue barbecues?

"When you consider the expanse of moorland in this country, the squad will have to be bigger than the local police force.

"Alternatively, we could perhaps use our armed forces to patrol moorland - good training for them. I just hope this will not be another piece of unenforceable legislation."

Bev Rattray: "Yes have them at home under control just take a picnic out with you."

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Robert Stevenson: "I absolutely totally agree with it, ban it all over the country not just Calderdale."

Jenna Lee Dunkley: "Definitely should be banned ruining country side with leaving the bbq after and all the rubbish too because half of them don’t realise how stupid they are."

Elizabeth Bower: "Not only in Calderdale but also in Kirklees. People are stupid having barbecues up on the moors if you want to barbecue have it in your own garden. We’ve got to protect our environment."

Sheila Hales: "Definitely, plenty of places to bbq without risking moorland. What’s wrong with a picnic."

What happens now

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The proposals for Public Spaces Protection Orders must be considered by the Council’s Cabinet before they can be put in place. This will happen as soon as possible after the consultation has ended.

The consultation closes on Tuesday 4 June 2019