Huge 267 housing plan around Calderdale school revealed by developers

How the 267 home development could look in Calderdale  (MHA Architects)How the 267 home development could look in Calderdale  (MHA Architects)
How the 267 home development could look in Calderdale (MHA Architects)
A huge housing development that could see 267 homes built around a Calderdale school has been revealed.

Yorkshire Housing together with ENGIE and Thornhill Estates have submitted plans to Calderdale Councilr for the development of 267 new homes and associated areas of open space on land at New Hey Road, Delf Hill and Shannon Road.

The development would take place around Highbury School in Rastrick which teaches children with learning and physical disabilities.

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The proposals are for a mixed tenure scheme comprising two, three and four-bed properties which will be made available for market sale and a significant proportion for affordable home ownership and rent.

Tenure types have also been identified with 13% being affordable rent, 42% shared ownership, 17% rent to buy and 28% open market sale

The scheme was designed by MHA Architects, who have worked on a number of housing schemes with Yorkshire Housing and ENGIE.

MHA Architects prepared the feasibility and had pre-application discussions with the local planning authority in advance of the application.

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The site has been identified as a draft housing allocation in Calderdale’s new emerging Local Plan.

In a joint statement by the developers they said: "The application has been supported by a full suite of technical reports which demonstrate that an acceptable form of development can be delivered in the context of issues such as highways, flood risk, contamination and ecology, for example.

"The site is currently classified as safeguarded land in the adopted plan, which is a reserve of land for future development as and when needs arise, such as the absence of a five-year housing supply or increased housing requirements.

"The council are currently unable to demonstrate a sufficient amount of housing sites to meet identified needs over the next five years.

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"The proposed scheme will not only make an important contribution to the housing land supply position, it will also make an invaluable contribution to much-needed affordable housing delivery within the borough.

"Pre-application discussions have taken place in advance of the application with the local planning authority, who were supportive of the site coming forward."

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