Overgate invite all to Rainbow of Ribbons event in hospice garden

Overgate Hospice gardenOvergate Hospice garden
Overgate Hospice garden
Overgate Hospice would like to welcome the community to join them at their Rainbow of Ribbons open garden event on Saturday from 11am to 4pm.

The garden at the hospice is in full bloom and the fundraising team encourage supporters to bring a picnic along with them and enjoy the stunning surroundings, made even more bright and beautiful by the many coloured ribbons adorning the garden.

The whole community are invited to this event to make a dedication in memory of a loved one in the form of a coloured ribbon, which attendees can bring along to the event, or donate on the day and receive their ribbon at the hospice.

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The event is about coming together to remember loved ones, whilst raising vital funds for Calderdale’s only adult hospice.

Supporter Care Fundraiser, Jessica Collins, who organises the event said: “This is a beautiful event which brings our community together to remember special people and it creates a wonderfully bright garden for our patients and nurses to enjoy.

"The vital funds raised also mean we can help families in our care today create the special memories that will mean so much to them when their loved one is no longer with them.”

You can make your dedications on their Virtual Garden at www.overgatehospice.org.uk, or call the team on 01422 387121. There is no minimum donation, and every penny makes such a difference.