Former Coronation Street actress joins calls to stop speedsters racing through Calderdale village

Paula Lane (furthest right) is among the residents calling for drivers to slow down.Paula Lane (furthest right) is among the residents calling for drivers to slow down.
Paula Lane (furthest right) is among the residents calling for drivers to slow down.
A former soap star is among Blackshaw Head residents imploring drivers to slow down through their village.

Paula Lane, who played Kylie Platt in Coronation Street, is joining calls for speed calming measures amidst fears someone could soon be hurt.

“They just power through,” she said. “It’s just ridiculous.”

“It’s just certain that something bad is going to happen.”

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Earlier this month two parked cars were damaged - one seriously - after a driver crashed and did not stop.

Calderdale Council says a 20mph limit is on its way but has been delayed by several large highways schemes across the borough.

Resident Davy Blanche said: “Cars regularly drive through the village at dangerous speeds.

“As a father of a young child, I am not the only parent who would like to see some council and/or police action before we have a horrible fatality.

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“I am supportive of any speed calming measures but think a speed camera or physical road calming would be much more effective.”

Paula added: “You have to ask if they don’t take notice of a 30mph sign, are they going to take any notice if it’s 20mph?

“I just don’t know what it’s going to take for something to be done.”

Resident Kate Brougham said cars race through Blackshaw Head at night. “People just use it as a rat run,” she added. “It’s not fair on people in the village.”

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Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategy, Jane Scullion, said: “Work on the design of the Blackshaw Head scheme is progressing and will be finalised as soon as possible. We’re also in the process of recruiting additional resources, which should allow us to progress this more quickly.

“Once the 20mph area has been implemented we will monitor to assess its effectiveness and consider the introduction of further physical traffic calming measures, if necessary.”

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