Lee Kenny: How to market your business on a budget

Lee Kenny, Managing Director at Snowflake MediaLee Kenny, Managing Director at Snowflake Media
Lee Kenny, Managing Director at Snowflake Media
This week marks my 100'th column of business and marketing advice, so well done for hanging in there if you've been reading each week!

A problem I hear from many businesses is that there is very little money left each month for marketing. This week I’ll share ways you can market your business for a £100 or less.

Social media

Engaging with relevant people is a great way to reach new customers and encourage existing ones to keep buying from you. Depending on your industry you can choose whether Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram or Pinterest might be best for your target market. You also have an incredible advertising platform that lets you choose from 100’s of different pieces of information from age and location through to job role and whether they have bought online before.

Cost: Free or Advertising from £3


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You can get 1000’s of leaflets designed and printed for less than £100. Rather than use a national chain, pick a local printer. They know 100’s of business owners so you may get a double whammy of someone else pulling for your business too

Cost: £60-£100

Public Relations (PR)

Public Relations or PR is one of the most under-utilised methods of promoting your business for most companies. People seem overwhelmed with the idea of writing a press release for a publication like this one. Fearing it won’t be interesting enough or may not be a high enough standard. Just ask yourself this question. If this were not my business, would I think this was an interesting story? If the answer is yes, you are on the right track. Be sure to keep it concise, easy to read and don’t be offended if your first one doesn’t get published.

Cost: Free


There is a huge amount of networking opportunities available in this area. Talk to other business owners and get a recommendation on which groups would be a good fit. If you don’t know anyone, then contact me on social media and we’ll send you some tips.

Cost: Free to £25 per session

Print advertising

If you are reading this then you are already proving the value of the printed press. Yes, you may be reading the online version, but that gives you even more reach.

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In addition to PR you can advertise in publications like this one or in Calderdale we are blessed to have monthly local magazines such as the Skircoat Green Directory that allows you to reach a large number of local people in a short period of time.

Cost: From £33

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many more ways to be inventive on a budget. I’d love to hear how you have generated sales or awareness for your business on a budget. Be sure to tweet or message us at @HXCourier or @SocialSnowflake (Who knows we may even share it with our 10,000’s of followers which is more awareness for your business…for free!)

Lee Kenny @SocialSnowflake