Housing plans are a cause for concern

Calderdale councillors Roger Taylor, Stephen Baines and Peter Caffrey at the green field site in Green Lane, Shelf.Calderdale councillors Roger Taylor, Stephen Baines and Peter Caffrey at the green field site in Green Lane, Shelf.
Calderdale councillors Roger Taylor, Stephen Baines and Peter Caffrey at the green field site in Green Lane, Shelf.
Concerns have been raised over plans for a new 'quality' residential development in Shelf.

Leaflets have been circulated across the village outlining Harron Homes’ plans for the land off Green Lane and asking for residents’ views to shape the proposals before an application is submitted.

It states: “The development proposed consists of 34 quality residential units, built in a high quality art stone, to deliver a scheme which will meet the aspirations of future homeowners.

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“The site has been put forward for allocation within the council’s emerging Local Plan and is currently considered to be a potential housing allocation, with an identified capacity for 70 units.

“The council’s Local Plan is due to be released in draft form by the end of the year, but Harron Homes are looking to progress with an application as the site represents an ideal development opportunity in a sustainable location and can contribute towards the council’s housing land supply needs.”

Councillor Stephen Baines (Con, Northowram and Shelf) said of the plans: “Residents do not want this. Myself, Peter Caffrey and Roger Taylor are totally against it. It’s a narrow country lane, which is already overpopulated.

“You also have to take into account the school runs - it would be absolutely horrendous in the morning and the afternoon.

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“A lot of that area is greenbelt land, part of that site is greenfield and we’d like to look to see if we could get all of it allocated as greenbelt land. We do need more housing but we need to pick the right location - one which has the right infrastructure to cope with more traffic.”

Residents have until March 14 to send in their comments to Harron Homes, but we also want to hear what you think. Share your views at [email protected]