Emmerdale star set to judge Hebden Bridge Band

Remembrance Sunday parade, Hebden Bridge.
Hebden Bridge Band.Remembrance Sunday parade, Hebden Bridge.
Hebden Bridge Band.
Remembrance Sunday parade, Hebden Bridge. Hebden Bridge Band.
A brass band will be getting some celebrity attention when they take the stage at a competition.

The Hebden Bridge Band will be performing infront of the Emmerdale Vicar Ashley Thomas - played by John Middleton - on November 15 at the Brass Factor competition held at the Picturedrome, Holmfirth.
John said: “I am absolutely thrilled to be asked to be one of the judges for such a wonderful competition.

“I feel honoured to be involved in the brass competitions, whether they are for bands or individual musicians, they have been a huge part of my personal history since my childhood over in the North East.

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“It is also a privilege to know that Brass Factor is continuing the legacy of encouraging and helping young people fulfil their dreams of playing a brass instrument.

“It is a legacy that spans hundreds of years both in this country and world wide. However it feels particularly special to be part of this event in Yorkshire which is my heartfelt home.”

Brass Factor Founder, Alex Bray said: “I’m really excited to have such a well known soap star such as John involved with Brass Factor.

“It’s great for the profile of the competition and I’m sure supporters and bands alike will enjoy having John there on what should be a fantastic evening in Holmfirth.”

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“John’s a really fantastic character to have especially as he loves his brass music. Having him there really does fit in the mind of Brass Factor and what it’s all about which is promoting brass music and showcasing young talent.”
Tickets for the competition are £10 and for more information on the event, visit www.brassfactor.com.

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