Upcoming event held in memory of Elland mum-of-two Levi Ogden

Upcoming event held in memory of Elland mum-of-two Levi OgdenUpcoming event held in memory of Elland mum-of-two Levi Ogden
Upcoming event held in memory of Elland mum-of-two Levi Ogden
A fundraising event in memory of Elland mum-of-two Levi Ogden is to be held at Bankfield Social Club on November 29.

The event starts at 6pm and will raise money for the family of Ms Ogden, who died on November 3 next to Silver Street, Halifax, after what West Yorkshire Police described as an “altercation”.

The event will also be an opportunity to raise money for funeral costs, however, there is currently no information regarding the date of the funeral at this time.

Bradford Cornoner’s Court opened an inquest on Monday into the death of Levi Odgen, 26, due to reasonable cause of suspicion her death was caused by anything other than natural causes.