Offender gets ‘last chance saloon’ warning from judge after latest crime spree

Bradford Crown CourtBradford Crown Court
Bradford Crown Court
A 38-year-old offender has been given a “last chance” after spending four months in custody awaiting sentence for his latest crime spree.

David Hardy, of Merrion Street, Southowram, was given an 18-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, after he admitted a series of offences including thefts from cars, three burglaries at the same mobile phone shop in Halifax town centre and possession of Class B drugs.

Bradford Crown Court heard that Hardy, who has served two previous prison sentences for supplying drugs, used a stone or brick to break into two cars in Siddal in February, but left traces of his own blood in both vehicles.

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Prosecutor Philip Adams described how Hardy also broke into the EE mobile phone shop in the Woolshops shopping centre three times over a two-week period causing thousands of pounds worth of damage on each occasion.


During one of the burglaries Hardy stole a charity box from the shop, but he was linked to the crime by a footwear match to a pair of shoes found at his home.

Hardy was remanded in custody following a third burglary at the mobile phone shop in early March and Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC said the defendant had an appalling record for usually low-level drug or drink-related matters.

Barrister Richard Gioserano said his client’s current accommodation was part of the problem and Hardy was determined to move out of the Halifax area.

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Judge Durham Hall noted that Hardy had already served the equivalent of an eight-month prison sentence and he warned him that he was now drinking in the “last chance saloon”.

The judge stressed that the probation service would be able to bring him back to court if they felt he was going off course again rather than wait for the next shop burglary or theft from a vehicle.

As part of the suspended sentence Hardy will have to comply with a medium level activity requirement and he will be subject to a six-month drug rehabilitation programme.