Halifax man jailed for indecent assault on two girls

Bradford Crown CourtBradford Crown Court
Bradford Crown Court
A Halifax man has been sentenced to nine years in prison after being found guilty of child sex offences.

Irvin Rickman, 59, from the King Cross area of Halifax was found guilty of seven counts of the indecent assault of two girls between 1994 and 1999. He denied all the offences put to him throughout his trial at Bradford Crown Court.

Rickman was sentenced on Friday April 7, with judge David Hatton QC stating that only a custodial sentence could be imposed due to the catalogue of Rickman’s offending, with a 12 month extended licence also added.

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He will also be placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely and was issued with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order with a number of imposed conditions.

Detective Inspector Craig Lord of Calderdale Safeguarding Unit Said; “I would like to praise the bravery and courage of the victims in this case for not only coming forward, but in giving their evidence.

“I hope that the conviction, and sentencing of Rickman not only brings them some closure to what has understandably been a very traumatic time, but also helps them to now move on with their lives.

“Victims of abuse, should feel confident in coming forward to police.

“You will be taken seriously, dealt with sensitively and we will do everything we can to bring offenders to justice.”