School life: Halifax Academy rated 'good' at latest Ofsted inspection

Pupils told inspectors that they were proud of their schoolPupils told inspectors that they were proud of their school
Pupils told inspectors that they were proud of their school
During the second week of the autumn term, The Halifax Academy was visited by Ofsted for a full two day inspection.

The inspection team visited many lessons, talked to pupils, staff and parents, scrutinised pupil work, examined achievement data and plans for improvement and also met with leaders and governors to evaluate a range of evidence about the academy’s performance.

Overall, the inspection team concluded that The Halifax Academy is a good school.

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The report identified many areas of strength and effectiveness, including good leadership, good teaching, a strong culture of keeping children safe and the outstanding work being done to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare. Pupils told inspectors that they were proud of their school and were described in the report as smart, confident and polite.

Inspectors said that the Headteacher, governors and other leaders were ambitious for the pupils and have an accurate and deep understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses. Discussions with parents and an analysis of parental questionnaires indicate that parents are very positive about leadership in the school.

Teachers were said to have high expectations of what pupils can achieve, which helps pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs or disabilities, to make good progress. Outcomes in English are outstanding and attainment in art has been well above average.

The report described pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning as good, with good relationships and mutual respect existing between pupils and adults. Inspectors commented that many pupils take on leadership roles, contributing impressively to the work of the school. The high-quality careers information, advice and guidance on offer was said to provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils to be well prepared for future learning and work.

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Of the Early Years Provision in the Primary Phase, inspectors said that children’s work, from the last school year, showed that good progress was made. The curriculum provides a range of exciting and challenging experiences tailored to children’s interests and their personal development and welfare was said to be supported well by a range of additional activities.

Headteacher Mr Kay said: “I would like to thank pupils, staff, parents and governors who work together tirelessly to make the academy successful. Feedback to inspectors from all stakeholders was unanimously positive about our work. Our staff and governors care passionately about improving the life chances of our young people and are making a real difference.

“As highlighted in the report, leaders and governors have a deep understanding of areas for improvement. We will continue to share best practise with our external education partners, continually improving the way we work, ensuring we raise standards even further.

“The continued success of the academy supports the next phase of our multi academy trust development. The Halifax Academy is the founding school in the Impact Education Multi Academy Trust and our mission is to develop new collaborative partnerships with other schools who share the same values and determination to make a greater difference and to improve the life chances of more children and young people.”

The full report can be found on the academy’s website: